
Small Projects

Unity & C# Role: Solo project

Inverse Kinematics

This project aimes to develop a basic unconstrained inverse kinematics for an arm using the palm of the hand as an end effector and a cylinder as a target. For study purposes two types of tracking were implemented: Cyclic-Coordinate Descent method and Jacobian matrix method in the variants of Jacobian Traspose, Pseudo-Inverse and Dumped Least Squares. Developed as part of the PgDip Computer Science at University of Edinburgh.

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Unity & C# Role: Solo project

Bird flocking

The project goal is to simulate a crowd of flocking birds using a system of particles that follows a target. Forces involved in real flocking are taken into account in order to give the most accurate representation as possible. Specifically four factors (separation, alignment, cohesion and avoidance) have been applied in a weighted fashion to give more priority to some forces over others. Developed as part of the PgDip Computer Science at University of Edinburgh

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Unity & C# Role: Solo project


A physical simulation of a campfire made using a particle system. For a better visualisation, different colours were used to simulate different temperatures of the particles, depending on the distance from the core. Also a wind force was implemented that can modify the direction of the fire over all three axes. Developed as part of the PgDip Computer Science at University of Edinburgh

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