Platform Game

Impossible Rescue

Cocos2D-x & C++ Role: Game Programmer


Impossible Rescue is a 2D platformer where the player controls Shadow, a drone hacking a mainframe to retrieve a stolen powerful AI. Solve puzzles and gain new movement abilities to progress through all six levels but be careful about the mainframe defensive measures.

This project was developed by a team of three programmers as part of my MSc Video Game Developer course at Birmingham City University.



The given stakeholder brief requested the use two different razor products, "Manic Miner" for its precision platforming and "Thomas was Alone" for the simple shapes. As a team we decided to embrace even "Celeste" as inspiration for its fast paced gameplay and abilities to traverse the map.

My Role

Level generation and managing: loading all the elements present in the levels and assuring their correct functioning during all states of the game. In order to easyly create and design levels we used a tilemap editor called Tiled which is natively supported by Cocos2d-X framework. Due to outdated support I had to create a system to load simple shaped object from Tiled tilemap and transforming them into the actual level elements. This system was then paired with a pooling rotation to create all elements at the start of the game and reuse them through levels.

Platforms: our game had two differenct types of platform, a crumbling one which disappear after being stepped on and a travellator which transports the character in a specific direction. Both of them uses Cocos2D-X Action system to perform movements over time.

Turret: enemy which moves along a given path on an single axys, it uses the Cocos2D-X Action system to perform actions over time

Port: puzzle element which needs a key and time to be activated, activation time is displayed through a filling bar.

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